
CHECK US OUT on Facebook –  Hennepin United Methodist Church

Sunday service is at 8:30 AM, All are welcome . Join us on Facebook Live.

It’s been said of our church that we are friendly-we believe this is true. But the reason behind the friendliness is of far more importance that the fact that one feels good about their visit when they leave the church for home and beyond on a Sunday morning. We believe that behind this friendliness is our love for God and the love for neighbor that naturally follows. It informs all that we are all that we do. We are followers of Jesus the Christ.

What do we believe? The historic creeds, the Articles of Religion of the Methodist Church and the Confessions of Faith of the Evangelical United Brethen Church are the clearest statements of our core beliefs and the foundation of our doctrine. We believe humanity to have fallen out of love with God and lived our lives on our own terms-outside of a relationship with God. We believe that Christ’s atoning death on a cross is that act of grace that restored that relationship and makes it possible. Only through Jesus Christ can we be restored and assured of abundant life now and eternal life later. We believe that this gift, and the realization of it, brings about a transformation that leads to actions of service and devotion that we as Methodists call acts of mercy and acts of piety respectively. ( Wesley called these the means of grace). The faith of the Christian cannot remain merely as a statement. It must be a relationship lived out as a disciple of Jesus Christ- Jesus present in the world here and now. That’s why we are here!

We sincerely hope that if you live in the vicinity of Hennepin that you will come and discover for yourself what others have discovered over the nearly 200 years we have been here in this community.

We are people of open hearts, open minds and open doors

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